— News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: Snow and Public Works pain happens!
Unfortunately for locals, it would appear that Puxsutawney Phil might actually be right this time.
Quincy continues to suffer repeated waves of snowfall and thus resultant inconveniences for locals as snowplow drivers might be warming up before hitting the road.
That and also opting for a low salt diet, at least when it comes to city streets.

Plowed, ploughed – whatever
An iconic Quincy Quarry image
Even so, Quincy Quincy must abide by its doctrine of providing balanced and fair coverage and thus acknowledge that Quincy Department of Public Works employees as well as at least some snow clearing contract workers did for the most part this week a better job of clearing local streets of snow for a surprising change.
That and further add that Kim Jong Koch Plaza Snow Team 6 have upped their game clearing both the plaza and adjacent City Hall VIP parking lot to new heights, including apparently also clearing snow from Quincy Mayor Koch’s personal ride.
Then again, when it comes to Mayor Koch, nothing is too good for him as well as apparently especially so when local taxpayers’ are paying for it.
After all, such has all too long been the true Quincy Way during the reign of the Koch Maladministration.
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