Mayor Thomas Koch has asked city councilors to approve spending $120 million on the final phase of a new police station project.
— News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.

Kim Jong Koch Plaza Snow Team 6 mini snow plow on dawn patrol
Click on image to better see the plow
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
Yet another City Hall snow job added to a long and ongoing list of snow jobs.
While Quincy Quarry News’ mandate of providing balanced and fair coverage behooves it to note for a refreshing change that the Koch Machine was able to see to it that local streets were well-cleared in the wake of yesterday’s modest as well as light and fluffy snowfall, it is still only fair to exposé that Kim Jong Koch Plaza’s Snow Team 6 took the clearing of the plaza, adjacent City Hall grounds and VIP parking lot to a new level.
On top of the usual meticulous clearing of Kim Jung Koch Plaza down to its pavement by dawn’s first light after yesterday’s snowstorm, Quincy Quarry’s Newshounds Sled Team 6 has photo-documented new levels of meticulous snow-clearing.
For example, Kim Jong Koch Plaza’s Snow Team 6 has apparently extended the clearing of snow off of Mayor Koch’s de facto city ride, a coal-black and leather-upholstered Chevrolet Tahoe Secret Service Special Edtion, to now apparently also according the same treatment to the mayor’s personal ride.
Then again, the mayor is said to receive a car allowance from the city for use of his personal ride as well as given that he apparently took the Tahoe home night and so left his personal ride in the CIty Hall VIP parking lot overnight.
Then again, partaking in extravagant perks of the office is nothing new for Quincy’s peerless mayor.
Additionally, Quincy Quarry’s Newshounds Sled Team 6 has discovered even further over the top snow clearing efforts by Kim Jong Koch Plaza’s Snow Team 6.
In a snow-clearing move that makes Felix Unger look like Oscar Madison, Quincy Quarry’s Newshounds Sled Team Six is now apparently spot-spraying brine or some other sort of deicing liquid to melt away stray but spots of ice here and there on Kim Jong Koch Plaza.
So what, apparently, that all of the salt heavily applied to the plaza and given today’s bright morning sun will all but assuredly quickly melt away most any and all of the few bits of snow and ice that were remaining on the plaza at daybreak.
What is unclear is if these over-the-top efforts are manifestations of bureaupathic over the top means-ends inversion or simply OCD behavior run amok in the hope of currying favor from the mayor.
Regardless, and again, while this morning local streets were in decent shape after yesterday’s modest snowfall, one would think that prudent fiduciary care with taxpayers money would behoove the Koch Machine to put locals residents’ needs at least close to the same level of care accorded to the denizens of City Hall, however as well as again, past history would clearly suggest otherwise.
For example, all one has to do is peruses Quincy Quarry’s long history of unrelenting Quincy City Hall exposés.
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