— News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

Before dawn ploughing of Quincy City Hall VIP parking lot
Quincy Quarry News Night Vision file photo image
Quincy City Hall Snow Jobs continue!
Near universal snow day on Monday notwithstanding for the those still working but not working remotely these days notwithstanding, Kim Jong Koch Plaza’s Snow Team Six was working fast and furiously before first light to clear the plaza as well as elsewhere immediately around City Hall with an effort unseen on local streets elsewhere around Quincy.
For starters, the plaza was cleared from curb to curb and down to the pavement.
At the same time, the plaza, along with the entrance to Quincy’s two City Halls, were also salted to a level that would likely flip a cardiologist’s blood pressure into potentially fatal hypertension.
Additionally, not only was the City Hall VIP parking lot behind City Hall found to be cleared down to the payment, the parking lot for all too typically little to all but no heavy lifting workers City Hall workers was also similarly well-cleared.

City Hall VIP parking lot, left; City Hall hack hire no heavy lifters’ parking lot, right.
Conjoined exclusive Quincy Quarry images – Click on the image to see a better image.
So what if much of the light lifting by these City Hall workers is likely even less than usual these days given the COVID-19 pandemic as well as could thus be just as readily lifted while working remotely or by opting to mitigate staffing levels inside of City Hall by opting for short workweeks and alternate days of the scheduling of staffing clerical staff working inside of City Hall?

What, no Armour All on the tires?
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive photo
Then again, not doing what all would be cost-effective for taxpayers who are paying for things is only to be expected during the era of the Koch Maladministration.
Not expected, however, was that the Quincy Quarry News staffer assigned to cover Quincy City Hall on Monday discovered.
The discovery? Apparently a new task added to the to-do list for Kim Jong Koch Plaza’s Snow Team Six: clearing snow from the full-sized Chevrolet Tahoe Secret Service Special Edition SUV that is Quincy’s vertically as well as otherwise challenged mayor’s de facto exclusive as well as expensive City ride in additional to his also purportedly receiving a car allowance for using his personal ride.
Will wonders in the Q ever cease during the self-serving reign of financial terror of the Koch Maladministration?
Bon chance …
Regardless, while given Quincy Quarry News’ goal of striving for proving balanced and fair coverage does behoove the Quarry to note that local streets were surprisingly well-cleared for a refreshing change, it is still also only proper to exposé overdoing things for someone in particular.
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