Julie Child – Quincy Quarry’s kitchen cutup!
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– Food news from Quincy Quarry News.
Unusual Food item of the Week – “Sikie Chicked (sic)?”
Actually, this week’s unusual food item feature is a twofer.
For starters, this chicken offered for sale at a local market was mislabeled via a typo – it is not “Sikie Chicked;” rather, it is Silkie Chicken.
And then there are the unusual physical characteristics that make the Silkie Chicken unusual.
One is that Silkie Chickens have black skin, black meat, and black bones.
Next, silkies have an extra toe a la polydactyl cats.
Additionally, silkies are so-named given their extremely fluffy and silky plumage.
And as for dining, while the black meat of a Silkie is generally considered to be an unusual attribute in European and American cuisines, various Asian cuisines consider Silkie Chicken meat a gourmet food item as well as even possessed of medicinal attributes.
At the same time, one can only reasonably assume that Silkie Chicken is not an ideal chicken to use when making Cajan Blacken Chicken for reasons both obvious and perhaps less so.
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