Trump won the battleground state by less than a point in 2016.

– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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The key to the election?
A sticker image via Walmart

The likely key to the elections: the Keystone State.

For those shut-in, tired of streaming reruns, or who have a masochism streak, Quincy Quarry would suggest focusing on the elections returns from Pennsylvania for early indications as to what next to expect.

While many recent polls have been suggesting that the Keystone State will likely end up providing Vice President Joe Biden with its twenty electoral votes, the polling spread between him and President Trump is close to margin of error as well as is a state where mail-in voting rates are lower than average.

That and how Pennsylvanians are arguably among the more taciturn when it comes to responding to inquiries by pollsters.

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Nate Silver
An Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images 2014 image

How crucial is Pennsylvania?  The liberal darling social media polling handicapper Nat Silver noted on a Sunday morning political show this past weekend that his current touting of a 90% likelihood of a Biden win will suddenly crater in real time should President Trump yet again win in Pennsylvania.

Nate Silver: “Without Pennsylvania, Biden becomes an underdog”

Then again, after blowing the call in 2016 as well as often with lesser national office races in the 2018 midterm, Silver has since been covering his tukas like a cute new inmate in prison with caveats and qualifications on just about everything he has had to say or written.

Read more at: FiveThirtyEight founder Nate Silver: “Without Pennsylvania, Biden becomes an underdog”

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