– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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Covering the election to the drop …
A Quincy Quarry elections desk staff member

Last Call To Get Out The Vote!

While the Quincy Quarry News newshounds have some thoughts about how the election results might eventually play out at some point yet to be determined, anyone who thinks they know how they will play out is only kidding themselves and/or blowing smoke, there is one certitude: getting out the vote will likely prove to be crucial.

Both parties have mobilized their get out the vote efforts to levels unseen in recent decades.

In turn, while many are talking up or fearing the so-called “Silent Voter” phenomena, the candidates who get out the most votes by the time the final vote can be cast will have the ultimate not exactly secret weapon: more votes than their opponents.

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Getting out the vote in Ward 7/Mount Wollaston
A file photo

In the meanwhile, while local political operatives will likely doing what they can to boost the count for their favorite candidate(s), especially in Quincy’s fabled Mount Wollaston/Ward 7, the reality is that a considerable number of people nationwide just want to be done with this year’s interminable election season, if not also the whole of this year.

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