– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: Election Stress Disorder happens.
As with something else that often does so, things are starting to hit the fan as we approach election day next month.
Accordingly, while many won’t admit it, at least day drinking is surely up, if not way up.
After all, expected at least near record voter turnout notwithstanding, the winner of Massachusetts electoral college votes is yet again a foregone conclusion and so giving rise for at least some a loss of personal locus of control.
That and all of the personal distresses such entails.
At the same time, others are looking likely to be facing similar sorts of distress as polling data on both the top of the ballot as well as for a number of undercard races elsewhere tighten and as was only to be expected by those in the know.
Granted, while the ongoing favorite at the top of the ticket is still polling well enough, there is still the wild card of a potential impact of rejected mail in ballots.
After all, 2016 happened but which next to no one saw coming.
And as for the undercard Senate races, we could be looking at a nail biter as regards control of the Senate come next year.
While no argument some GOP candidates and incumbents are still looking likely to be going down to defeat, key GOP incumbents targeted by the Democrats have of late been looking a bit less likely to lose even when wildly outspent by often multiples of money by their Democratic opponents even if also at times at least a bit déclassé.
In short, it looks as if yet again old age and treachery will overcome youth and touted skill.
Fortunately, there are distractions.
For example, the World Series.
Granted, while the Red Sox were the first team eliminated from playoff consideration this year, any excuse for drinking beer is an excuse.
Further, for the most part the local weather has been mostly pleasant enough of late for getting out and about and especially dining out outside even if we all know what is coming all too soon.
For a few grim examples, more time spent indoors, shoveling snow, expected increased COVID-19 infection rates, and an ever-increasingly looking likely return to all but full-time remote learning for local public school students.
That and how remote learning is also being touted as a way to make snow days a thing in the past.
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