Jake was not photogenic and he knew it ….  A Bill Brett for The Boston Globe image

– News sadly covered by Quincy Quarry News.

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Sparky Kennedy, left; Jake Kennedy, right
Image via WBUR

Jake Kennedy, Christmas in the City founder, dies at 65 of Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

Just when one would think that 2020 could not become any worse, it became sadder. 

Much sadder.

Quincy native John “Jake” Kennedy died at his summer home adjacent to Canobie Lake in New Hampshire from the ravages of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 

His father and a younger brother also died of ALS and another brother is currently battling it.

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A face of Christmas
A Facebook image

Jake and his wife Sparky (Patricia) founded Christmas in the City over 30 years ago to provide the joy of Christmas to children of Boston who might otherwise not enjoy the holiday.

Starting with providing gifts and a fun event for not quite two hundred children in 1989, Christmas in the City grew to an annual event that fills the Boston Convention Center with thousands of guests, joy as well as joyful noise.

Christmas in the City also provided support for homeless families to successfully transition to permanent, safe and stable housing as well as Thanksgiving dinner baskets with all the fixings to families in need.

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Chuck E. Cheese has nothing on Christmas in the CIty parties
A Christmas in the City image

Key to the success of Christmas in the City was Jake’s raising the bar and then letting people fill the resultant needs to see things happen. 

In response, literally tens of thousands did.

Also key is Sparky doing what all she does.

Jake was also a phenomenally gifted physical therapist. 

His well-worn second floor walk up clinic at Downtown Crossing in Boston has long been a busy place full of people both powerful and those not yet where most everyone knew your name or at least a nickname provided by Jake.

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A Christmas in the City supporter, patient and friend of Jake
A file photo

In addition to his wife, Jake is survived by a daughter, three sons, a grandchild, a step-grandchild, other members of his large extended family as well as tens of thousands of friends and fans.

Read more at: Jake Kennedy, Christmas in the City founder, dies at 65 of ALS – The Boston Globe

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