– Quincy News from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: Yet another expensive for local taxpayers “Kochotic” quest on the horizon?
As recently reported in the South Shore broadsheet, Quincy Mayor Tom Koch is moving forward with his long ongoing plans to secure the return of President John Adams’ personal library after 106 years of these priceless books’ careful, respectful and secure custody at the Boston Public Library.
That and so as to provide Mayor Koch with the basis for his latest koched-up plan: establishing an Adams Presidential Library at the but currently but rented site of the Quincy Historical Society.
There is a considerable problem facing both the huge ego and Edifice Complex of Quincy’s vertically-challenged Mayor Koch, however.
Actually, at least several considerable problems.
For starters, Quincy Mayor Koch does not appear to understand provenance or recall recent history.
For example, what is his legal basis to seek that President Adams’ personal library be turned over to the City of Quincy?
After all, records clearly indicate that the books were bequeathed by Adams to the Adams Academy.
The academy subsequently closed, the trust for the academy was later rolled over to the benefit of the Woodward School for Girls in 1953, and the City of Quincy subsequently hit for millions in damages and stripped of control of that trust in 2014 after decades of gross mismanagement.
In turn, the books would thus appear to be properly under at least under the control of the Woodward School for Girls.

Are the girls at Woodward School going to again take it to the good old boys at City Hall?
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
Mayor Koch, however, appears to be under the impression that the books are somehow or another tied to a different trust still under the city’s control or can otherwise demand that the books be turned over to his control.
In turn, might Woodward School have a viable financial claim against the City of Quincy over its “loaning” out the books to the Boston Public Library in 1894?
After all, city officials long keep Woodward in the dark about the Adams trust, not to mention just image the late book return charges.
Similarly, after one hundred and twenty-six years of respectful care and secure custody of the books, might Boston thus have at least de facto control of the collection?
Additionally, the Quincy Historical Society, the current tenant of the Adams Academy building where Mayor Koch seeks to establish an Adams Presidential Library, is looking to be evicted or at least be hit with a huge rent increase in 2022 when its fifty-year sweetheart lease on the building expires.
And for an ironic twist on top of this latest huge pile of chutzpah by Mayor Koch, the Woodward School for Girls is the owner of the Adams Academy building.
In short, is Mayor Koch going to yet again waste taxpayers’ money on yet another losing “Kochotic” legal battle?
After all, the Koch Maladministration has long, often, and all but consistently had its head handed back to it on a platter by all manner of courts on matters not only related to this matter, but also all manner of other matters in which the maladministration concurrently burned up millions of dollars in all manner of other legal disputes which it has has lost.
Needless to say, count on Quincy Quarry News to monitor the situation and report on further developments as they might – if not all but assuredly – hit the fan.
That and most likely yet again also expensively so.
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