In their final one-on-one meeting before the Sept. 1 primary, Senator Edward J. Markey and Representative Joseph P. Kennedy III jabbed at each yet again.  A Barry Chin/Boston Globe image.

– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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Throwing elbows at each other
A Boston Globe image

Final Markey/Kennedy Senate Primary Debate the Finale for Trey?

After months of Joseph P. Kennedy III for the most part failing to explain why he would be any different from, much less better than Massachusetts’ seventy-four year old junior senator Ed Markey, the thirty-nine year old Kennedy came out swinging in the final debate given his primary challenge of incumbent Senator Markey.

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Punching away to no avail
Conjoined images via the Boston Globe

Unfortunately for Trey, none of the punches landed, much less landed a knockout punch.

That and Malarky then grinded away in response until the debate fortunately came to a close.

Fortunately for Kennedy, the debate was inexplicably scheduled during the opening night of Democratic Party’s virtual National Convention.

At the same time, it would appear that the Kennedy name does not carry the cache it once has, much less enough carry him to a once surely expected to be easy win.

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No knockout by Trey Tueday night
An iconic fight photo

Simply put, Quincy Quarry’s fight scorecard gives Malarky points for pointing his considerable record seeing legislation with his name same enacted in law and then landing body blows to Trey over not his not doing so even if he is perhaps the first Kennedy in at least a couple of decades to not have a record of compromising stories featured on the cover of the Boston Herald.

In short, so much for Trey’s well-known penchant for clean living.

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Vote early – and often!
A file photo

Accordingly, the Quarry can only properly call the final debate for Malarky on points as well as expects that old age and treachery will likely overcome Kennedy’s youth and purported promise on primary election day.

Read more at: Are Joe Kennedy III’s efforts to define Ed Markey coming too late?

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