“It was clear in the will where John Adams wanted these books to be,” Mayor Thomas Koch said.
– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch floats his latest plans for yet another koched-up Edifice Complex.
This time the scheme is to endeavor to bring back the John Adams library back to Quincy from their current holding by the Boston Public Library.
So what, apparently, for the fact that an Adams family descendant long ago agreed to move books move to Boston after years of suffering ill-care and pilfering – among other reasons – while they were formerly kept in Quincy.
Granted, while President John Adams originally bequeathed them to be retained in Quincy, after how past city fathers long looted the Adams School and Temple Trust, one would think that Adams is not amused as well as yet again surely whirring in his crypt opposite City Hall over this latest koched-up as well as indefensibly profligate plan foisted by Mayor Koch.

Innumerable millions of dollars burn rate
A cheatsheet.com image
Other problems with this latest grandiose plan by Quincy’s peerless free-spending mayor include that he has no place to locally house the books.
Then again, after having stuck local taxpayers with funding roughly six million dollars or more in court costs and damages payments given that all manner of City Hall good old boys were repeatedly whacked in court by the young ladies at the Woodward School for Girls, perhaps Mayor Koch mistakenly believes that the City of Quincy now owns the Adams Academy building.
Alternatively, perhaps he believes that local taxpayers will support yet another eight-figure bond offering to purchase the Adams Academy building from Woodward School after the sweetheart fifty-year lease grift negotiated by then city fathers to the great and improper benefit of the Quincy Hysterical Society to use the building as well as score serious revenue renting out a number the property’s parking spaces.
That and cover the cost of renovating the building for use as a historical archives repository
That or perhaps Mayor Koch dubiously believes that federal funding can be scored to buy the building anytime soon in spite of the handful of trillions in additional federal debt have already incurred in response to the still ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and so pretty iced any park barrel for a while, if not a very long while.
Additionally, where is he planning to find the funding for the surely seven figures annual budget needed to house, conserve, and duly secure the books?

Still boarded up putative future Public Buildings Department office building three years after its purchase
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
Further, whither the Quincy Hysterical Society – the current tenant all but squatting in the Adams Academy building – or is the still apparently unoccupied putative temporary headquarters for the City of Quincy’s Public Buildings Department already slated to be grifted over to the politically connected hystericals?
In any event, in the meanwhile, this lasted koched-up plan has provided yet another photo op of likely to prove to be bovine byproduct shoveled by the Koch Maladministration.
Source: Quincy takes first step toward potential John Adams presidential library
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