The change was announced at city hall Monday afternoon.
– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
A new Yakoo – North Quincy High School’s mascot finally revamped.
While both Native and Armenian representatives expressed no criticism, the Daughters of the American Revolution have yet to be contacted for comment.
In a move that one could only have expected even though there are far more important problems facing Quincy’s City Hall during the COVID-19 pandemic – not the least of which is figuring out how to safely reopen local schools, today Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch rolled out new artwork to replace North Quincy High’s long ethnically insensitive mascot.
Mayor Koch had long been resolute in his unwillingness to see the old and offense mascot art changed. As his final academic diploma was a North Quincy High School diploma following a rumored to have been less than stellar academic career, he has long been following the time honored path of overcompensating loyalty to the not ivy-covered halls of his high school alma mater.
For example, in the wake of this showing of a necessary capitulation to finally change the offensive mascot artwork, Mayor Koch then noted that changing North Quincy’s also racially offense Red Raiders name for its sports team is currently under consideration.
To this also long overdue change as well as given that Quincy sports teams play in the Patriot League and the New England Patriots have aggressive trademark and copyright legal council, Quincy Quarry would suggest Minutemen as the new team name and so reflect the mayor’s performance in matters sporting.
That and his coming up short at acknowledging the dozen years he defended the indefensible.
Source: There’s a new Yakoo in town: North Quincy mascot has been revamped
The politically correct/perpetually offended idiots that have seemingly infested this city, have finally gotten rid of the Yakoo. I’m sure deep down, Dr Yacubian isn’t too happy about this.
Introducing for the very first time, the North Quincy Paul Revere and the Red Raiders!!!
This cancel culture B.S needs to STOP.
Laurence, while Quincy Quarry respects your right to your own opinions, it still suspects that the legal council for heirs of Mr. Dick and the rest of the Raiders would not look favorably on your suggestion. That and still no word from the Daughters of the American Revolution.