A roadie cup with an order of wings …
– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

A New York City to go drink window
A William Farrington/New York Post image
Governor Charlie Baker signs Massachusetts takeout cocktail bill Into law.
In a move that Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers will likely find surprising, the Quarry views with trepidation Governor Charlie Baker’s signing of a bill yesterday approving the temporary allowing of duly liquor-licensed restaurants to include to go cocktails with their to go food orders until February of 2021 given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Reasons for Quincy Quarry’s concerns include that public safety already suffers enough from drivers using their cellphones while driving and it is thus only reasonable to assume even worse care of some drivers now trying to open supposedly tamper-proof to go cups.
That and how the trip home can only result in a properly prepared mixed drink becoming watered down as its ice melts unless the ice is either packaged separately or is to be added by its buyer from ice in her and/or his home refrigerator.

To go, Toga – whatever …
An Animal House image
Most importantly, how Beacon Hill should not be so readily facilitated to offset how its legislators can no longer so readily just pop across Bowdoin Street to The 21st Amendment for a quick pop or three most anytime of the day or when they are “working” nights. That and are now able to expense their campaign funds for but “meals” when we all know better.
Source: Baker Signs Mass. Takeout Cocktail Bill Into law
Well, what I’m waiting for is a take out massage – at least in Quincy anyhow.
Sam, have you never heard of outcall?