Jonny McFadden says the fence is to remind people about social distancing when they are drinking.
– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
A British pub owner has put an electric fence in front of his bar to encourage his customers to be social distant.
Jonny McFadden, who runs the Star Inn in St Just, Cornwall on the southwestern rural farming tip of Great Britain, said there is limited space in his pub which only serves drinks.
He described the barrier as “just a normal electric fence that you would find in a field.”
Asked if the fence was actually electrified, Mr McFadden said, “come and find out …”
McFadden said he had struggled to convey the importance of social distancing to some of his customers after English pubs were allowed to reopen on the Fourth of July.
“When you serve people a drink they change,” added McFadden.
So far, however, McFadden claims that installing the fence has worked because “people keep away from it, people are like sheep.”
He added: “They know it is a fence and don’t want to touch it to find out whether it is on or not.”
While McFadden’s customers are respecting the fencing and it has generated a lot of laughs, his insurance broker is not amused.
Source: Pub landlord installs electric fence around bar
Keeping the SOWS in line!
More like fend off sots, but point taken.