A mishap at a Quincy gas station made a big mess on Thursday.
– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Quincy Gas Station fire suppression system malfunction gives rise to scary moments.
A mishap at a Quincy gas station made a big mess this morning.
Per Quincy police, the fire suppression system at the Stop & Shop gas station at Southern Artery and Sea Street malfunctioned and resulted in a dramatic spewing of foam while customers were filling up.
- Click here to see video of the malfunction.
Police said three people had trouble breathing and were evaluated by paramedics, but did not report any serious injuries.

“The Beav”
A City of Quincy mug shot
Quincy Quarry News considered asking Quincy Police Chief Paul “The Beav” Keenan to offer comment on unconfirmed reports that a number of officers at the adjacent Quincy Police Department headquarters had to change their shorts after the fire foam hit the fan, but then figured why bother ending up being ignored
Similarly, the Quarry considered reaching out to the Beav’s brother-in-law Mayor Thomas P. Koch to inquire if the City might be seeking a discount on his plans to buy the gas station for use by city rides given the gas station’s suspect fire safety system, but yet again figured why bother ending up ignored.
Source: ‘It Didn’t Snow In July!’ Video Shows Fire Suppression System Malfunction At Quincy Gas Station
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