Where regulars’ drinks were known to the barkeep – very well-known …
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive photo
– Quincy News from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
City of Quincy signage ordinances be damned?
Standard local municipality operating procedure is to require a closing business or at least its landlord to take down the signage for a no longer in business notwithstanding, one would think that Quincy District Courthouse’s once closest adult limitations watering hole as well as Sunday afternoon hangout of the always self-deprecating but now late Ward 6 Quincy City Councillor Brian McNamee was still in business.
Unfortunately, Sully’s closed just over two years ago after its building was bought by Quincy Mutual Insurance to redevelop the site and Sully’s was thus 86’ed.
Fortunately for hard-drinking members of the bar who can never pass one by, attorneys now have the second closest by bar The Fours available as it has reopened after its Coronavirus pandemic ordered closure was lifted.
Even better, The Fours’ beer is as cold as ever even there is not much in the way of live sporting events to watch on the television flat screens above its bar other than PGA golf tournaments, NASCAR stock car racing and (South) Korean KBO League baseball games. what with Major League Baseball COVID’ed.
And even better yet, The Fours now features a greatly expanded and far more attractive as well as more comfortable outdoor dining area.
After all, fresh air matters during the COVID pandemic era.
I am through with @MLB. When the country needed baseball most, a bunch of obscenely rich men couldn’t stop haggling about money and trying to weaken a union. They’ve broken my heart. For now, at least, I’m happily following Korean baseball. Go NC Dinos!
— Tony Sachs (@RetroManNYC) June 14, 2020

The Presidential Pub – the favorite place for snow plowers to get plowed?
A Quincy Quarry file photo
On the other hand as well as unfortunately for those hard on their luck after an adverse court ruling, the last two remaining Quincy Center dive bars – Tully’s and a former City Clerk’s favorite The President Pub – are still facing Coronavirus closure restrictions.
Worse yet, dive bars throughout Quincy continue to go the way of retail business in Quincy Center – out of business.
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