– Quincy News from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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“If this place is good enough for Bob Kraft …”
A selfie

Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: Finally, some good news for the Q!

After months of imposed closures, local nail shops and massage “therapy” venues have been allowed to reopen and so are now providing sought after services for both genders.

Even so, it is not yet clear if the return of these two major local commercial activities will be sufficient to pull the local economy out of its COVID-19 doldrums.

After all, with many short on funds given the economic impact of the pandemic, much less have any disposable income, it thus remains to be seen how busy will be massage providers after they take the edge off of built-up tension.

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An old Reuters file photo

That and if nail shop patrons will be opting for mani-pedi’s or just manicures.

In the meanwhile, the recent dry spell has officially crossed over into an official drought with no relief to be seen anywhere on the horizon.

While Quincy Quarry is worried about wildfires and house fires given the unprecedented as well as exponential increase in illegal fireworks firings, there is bright lining: gardeners are loving that weeds are having a tough time during what is usually their prime growing season even if water bills are likely to be soaring.

Additionally, after weeks of bluster and dealings in bad faith, Major League Baseball would appear to have reached a deal with enough players to hold a shortened season this year.

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Taking names, numbers and no prisoners
Image vis buzz-caribbean.com

On the other hand, while sports fans and especially beer makers are looking forward to returns of two of America’s top summertime pastimes, a recent uptick in COVID-19 cases in what has long been socially distant golf before social distancing became a widely known if not necessarily well-practiced activity can only be worrisome even if many do not consider golf a sport.

Further troubling, the Red Sox have announced that one of the members of team’s forty player roster has tested positive.  Who, however, has yet to be officially disclosed. 

Additionally, other teams have acknowledged that members of their organizations have been infected.

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Coronavirus gets around
Image via Getty Images

Even so, a number of Major League Baseball team owners has been talking up allowing limited attendance at games if for no other reason that the owners are greedy even though their broadcast revenues are likely to soar given increased televised viewership and radio broadcast listening to games by both fans as well as those burnt out on streaming other video content.

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