– Quincy News from Quincy Quarry News.
The City of Quincy yet again sods Quincy Square.
In what looks to have become an all but annual ritual at a time when Opening Day at Fenway Park did not happen this year, the City of Quincy has yet again re-sodded parts of Kim Jong Koch Plaza, formerly known as the Hancock Adams Green.
Unlike previous years when the sodding of Quincy Square in and around City Hall has been done was to provide temporary landscaping during the interminable years of renovating Old City Hall, then redoing the renovations when Old Town Hall went up in flames, realigning Hancock Street in Quincy Square and then while upwards of $30 milllion was burned to create the still unfinished Kim Jong Koch Plaze, this year’s soddings here and there were to replace less then perfect patches of lawn.
One large run of a fresh sodding was in the mostly lawn island fronting the Presidents’ Church.
Why was unclear, however, as this run of turf is not trafficked and there are no obvious signs of either grubs or proper notice posted noting a toxic anti-grub treatment. Best guess, it appear that this particular sodding was because the replaced turf may not have been all that green early on in the local warm time of the year after a cool spring.

Walk on hard concrete or newly laid sod – the choice is obvious
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
Another large sodding was on the other end of the plaza near the pedestrian walkway coming out of the MBTA’s Quincy Center Station.
Given suspect landscape design, this strip of turf encourages MBTA straphangers to cool their heels walking on soft grass rather than pounding their tired feed on hard concrete at the end of a workday, at least for those who are still working hes days..
And finally, questionable design work elsewhere gave rise to the perceived need to replace turf which had suffered from people cutting across turf as the sidewalks did not offer up the shortest way between two point and which New England town squares are known for providing via typically red brick walkways.
In other words, all this sodding is all but assuredly covering up design shortcomings imposed upon Kim Jong Koch Plaza by the Koch Maladministration.
Simply put, all of these multiple design problems are not the sorts of mistakes that the very well-paid and well-regarded Boston landscape design firm would make were it not forced to turn Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s chaotic vision into his latest bombastic over the top and wicked expensive edifice complex.
After all, the key tenants of good landscaping design include affecting a natural feel, simplicity instead of over top features and excessive planting as well as the lowest maintenance possible foot traffic flow.
Plus, at the end of a Fiscal Year department heads know better than to not spend all of the funds allocated to their respective budgets as such could undercut what they are allocated in the upcoming Fiscal Year..
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