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Free parking !!!
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

COVID-19 upside: free parking!

The City of Quincy has decided to not charge the general public for parking in the city’s new $46 million parking garage in Quincy Quincy given the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Then again, what with restaurants closed, nearby Quincy District Courthouse closed, and many who might be still working at jobs in Quincy Center are working remotely if possible, for once it probably makes sense not to go to the trouble and expense of keeping automated parking payment machines.

So much for parking revenue from the garage cover the nut on merely but its current interest only debt service, however.

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Free Parking !!!
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

Also, who only knows if LBC Boston’s tenants in its nearby new apartment building who are leasing long-term parking spaces in the new garage are actually paying rent.  After all, LBC’s apartment building has no parking whatsoever nor is it likely that anyone tied to the Koch Administration would ever readily respond to such an inquiry from the Quarry on what is but a simple yes or no question.

Then again, perhaps the COVID-19 pandemic free parking statement is but a coverup on possible continuing problems with the city’s automated parking fee payment equipment and which Quincy Quarry exposéd previously.

Regardless of whatever, the reality is that those few people who still might be riding the Red Line or Commuter Rail to work now have free garage parking available for use within but a short walk away from the Quincy Center Red Line station.

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