Tampa Mayor Jane Castor says that that Tom Brady was working out in a closed park.  A Tampa Bay Times 2012 file photo.

– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added 

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A file photo

Tom Brady was thrown out of a park by a Tampa recreation worker.

Winning six Super Bowls and then joining the Tampa Bay Buccaneers did not help Tom Brady score any special treatment from compliance with local COVID-19 pandemic public safety orders.

Apparently, Tom Brady ventured outside of his Davis Islands residence and into a park for a workout, according Tampa Mayor Jane Caster. 

Tampa’s parks are currently off limits to the public given the COVID-19 pandemic.

As is often overlooked by his Patriots Nation fans, this is not the first time that Tom Brady has gotten into trouble with a woman.

Source: Tom Brady was thrown out of park by a Tampa park and recreation department worker

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