“Now, be sure to sanitize my office hourly and steam clean the carpet after I leave for the day.”
A Cara Delahunt/Partriot Ledger image
– News about Quincy from and polling by Quincy Quarry News.
Pants, sweats or?
That is the question of the latest Quincy Quarry below the belt poll.
While Boston Mayor Marty Walsh has very much stepped up his game and especially his mainstream media presence, Quincy Mayor Tom Koch has mostly instead but reached from City Hall while hunkered down in his spacious office suite via his own lightly monitored and even less liked Twitter account, an even less followed Twitter account run by his mouthpiece, the mayor’s Facebook page and even less liked other social media, the City of Quincy’s slightly more monitored Facebook page, and the City’s YouTube channel.
That and making the occasional and often inane comment to regional news media.
Mayor Thomas Koch said in his daily coronavirus update the deaths “all come from
hospitals or rehab facilities.”
At the same time, there is still a burning question: does Mayor Koch wear pants or sweatspants during the videoing of his every few days and but moderately viewed pandemic YouTubes videos?
As Quincy Quarry knows that it will not be able to secure an official response from anyone inside of City Hall on this burning mayoral fashion question as well as that the Quarry does not care to exposé its moles to either COVID-19 or as double agents, Quincy Quarry is instead reaching out to its ever-growing legions of loyal readers readers to poll their sentiments.
To offer up your sentiment, do so below.
[crowdsignal poll=10539723]
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