He shall return.

Into the briny deep, deep-sixed – whatever …
– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Navy may reinstate fired Captain to command of the USS Theodore Roosevelt.
In the wake of the well-deserved summary walking off of a plank by now former acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael Gilday has indicated that he may reinstate US Navy Captain Brett Crozier as the Captain of the Roosevelt given Modly’s removing Crozier from command after he pleaded for more help to fight a coronavirus outbreak on the ship.
Related story: Karma happens: former acting Navy Secretary Modly in COVID-19 quarantine.
In the grand scheme of things, outside of undertaking a combat strike or all manner of other emergency responses, this rumored turnaround is happening in record time as far as things go inside of the Pentagon as well as faster than it takes to turn around a battleship.
Even so, the expected restoration of Crozier to command was predicted by Quincy Quarry two weeks ago.
Mark my words, the Acting SecNav will be the next Trump appointee to walk the plank. Nobody grounds Maverick and lives.
— QuincyQuarry (@QuincyQuarry) April 4, 2020
Plus, it probably helps that CNO Admiral Gilday is at minimum an honorary manner of brown shoe wearing Airedale.
Source: Navy May Reinstate Fired Captain to Command of Roosevelt
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