– News and commentary from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: An inadvertent vacay for Quincy Quarry.
Quincy Quarry News was on a short hiatus earlier this week and which Quarry’s ever growing legions of loyal readers can readily assume that at least certain denizens of Quarry’s City Hall were hoping against hope would be permanent.
Unfortunately for City Hall, the hiatus was inadvertent.
That and a short one..
Earlier this week Quincy Quarry management put out a memo to its reportorial personnel to try to lay off COVID-19 stories for a while.
In turn, remotely working Quarry personnel instead took the memo to mean that they were to take some time off from work.
That and per a random quick review of company expense account charge card activity, an open invitation for day drinking.
A lot of day drinking.
Needless to say, another memo went out and company charge cards were suspended.

The invisible enemy
A Coronavirus illustration via Getty Images
At this point, Quincy Quarry is back to scanning the world for news.
That and locally.
For example, after reporting how for a number of days in a row recently that Quincy was consistently experiencing COVID-19 fatalities at rates almost ten time greater than the state average on a per 1,000 basis, the COVID-19 death rate in Quincy has declined and as Quincy Quarry had noted as likely.
At this point, Quincy COVID-19 deaths are only running a mere four times greater than the state’s per 1,000 rate.
It doesn't look good.
— Richard M. Nixon (@dick_nixon) May 16, 2017

“The plan is to steam clean my carpet after I leave for the day and sanitize my office hourly.”
A Kara Delahunt/Patriot Ledger file photo
Needless to say, count on Quincy Quarry to continue to work to get the word out that Quincy is still a COVID-19 hot spot cluster.
After all, one can only reasonably expect that the Koch Maladministration is not going to unilaterally acknowledge this deadly verity.
That or actually come up with a practicable as well as effective action plan in a timely manner.
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