COVID-19 has to date killed 48 people in Massachusetts, including six in Quincy.
– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Coronavirus death toll climbs to forty-eight statewide, six of whom are now former Quincy.residents.
Two more Quincy residents were added to the list of the deceased over the weekend and so making for six Quincy COVID-19 deaths to date.
For an interactive map of the Covid-19 cases and fatalities data, click here and go to the bottom of the page.

So far, “Mahty” is doing better than Tommy.
Way better.
A Boston Mayor Marty Walsh inauguration photo
Granted, while it is still early in the going of the still ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and thus the latest numbers are not necessarily indicative of what will be the final numbers, Quincy’s variously greater to much greater pandemic death rate when compared with other points of comparison is still disconcerting.
For but one data comparison, Quincy’s six COVID-19 deaths to date are exactly twice as many as the number of deaths in roughly seven times more populous Boston.
And for another example, Quincy has to date suffered 75% of the COVID-19 deaths in Norfolk County even though the City of Quincy makes up only a bit short of 11% of the population of Norfolk County,
Further troubling, while Quincy is home to only 1.4% of the state’s population, Quincy’s COVID-19 deaths make up 12.5% of Commonwealth’s pandemic deaths to date.
Further troubling yet, Quincy’s suffering 12.5% of the COVID-19 deaths statewide to date is up slightly from Quincy’s suffering 11% COVID-19 death rate in the Commonwealth as of late last week.
At the same time, “…Quincy reported on Sunday that it has 82 COVID-19 cases, with 20 people having recovered ….” in what one can only reasonably view as a glass half full attempt at spin.
Conversely, however, no word out of City Hall or elsewhere about Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s latest grandiose proposal floated earlier this month that the feds pay what would surely require an obscene amount of money even by his profligate standards to all but assuredly but temporarily reopen the long shuttered and thus even more seriously deteriorated obsolescent former Quincy Medical Center,
That and so what for the all but certain likelihood that the former hospital could be not be reopened for medical use any sooner than after either the COVID-19 pandemic has abated or civilization has imploded care of the pandemic.
Further problematic, all but assuredly no amount of money could score the personnel needed to staff even but a partially reopened hospital at a time when already overtaxed healthcare personnel are among the hardest hit by the pandemic.
Additionally note that there has not been any word of any progress on Mayor Koch’s less much ambitious alternative proposal to instead merely but set up a temporary and likely to be tent-housed testing facility in the parking lot of the now privately owned former hospital property.
That or any acknowledgement by the Koch Maladministration of the fact that Mayor Koch variously facilitated the sale of the site of the former hospital to a connected local special interest for redevelopment into yet another mega apartment project.
Update: as of 3/31: 105 cases, 28 recovered, 7 deaths.
… and the outcome of 70 cases remains to be seen …