A single mortuary in Wuhan has had 5,000 urns delivered over the past two days, double the city’s reported coronavirus death toll

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Delivering urns in Wuhan
Image via Shanghiist

– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

Funeral urn deliveries in Wuhan far exceed official COVID-19 death toll, raising more questions about China’s tally.

From the controversial but also lauded Shanghaiist comes word of funeral urn deliveries in Wuhan far exceeding the announced local death toll from COVID-19 and so raising more questions about China’s transparency about the pandemic.

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The CIA runs amok?
A Paramount Picture image

Granted, counting urns is arguably on the order of trying to read tea leaves, doing so does offer up a potential proxy measurement approach when “official’ data are viewed as suspect.

After all, pondering such seemingly oblique information has long been a staple of both foreign intelligence agencies and spy movie makers.

On the other hand, perhaps the run on urns in Wuhan is either a matter of catching up on all recent local deaths as the Chinese pandemic lockdown is loosened or but a variation on toilet paper hoarding.

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Wuhan crematoriums working overtime?
Image via Shanghiist

Regardless, even though the quant expertise at Quincy Quarry already has plausible opinions on how the numbers and such are likely to play out, it is still way too early for anyone to view current stats provided as anything more than in the moment snaphots until after the pandemic fades away and proper counts are then more readily possible.

Source: Urns in Wuhan far exceed death toll, raising more questions about China’s tally

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