The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles re-opened eight of its 30 locations Wednesday and there were long lines to get in in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic.

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– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added. 

Registry of Motor Vehicles reopens some locations after Coronavirus closures and even longer lines result.

After closing for two day, only eight of the thirty Registry offices have reopened.

Needless to say, with but twenty-seven percent of its locations reopened and after all Registry branches had been closed for two days, the lines were epic and the waiting times equally considerable.

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MBTA TP under lockdown, lock-up – whatever …
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No reports, however, if any of the reopened branches’ public bathrooms had toilet paper.

Regardless, do be reminded that many Registry services can still be done online as well as that the Northeast AAA is able to provide select RMV services to its members.

Source: Huge Lines As Mass. RMV Re-Opens 8 Locations After Coronavirus Closures

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