Concerns over the coronavirus have forced the ACE Comic Con in Boston to be postponed.

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Who knew that Bernie is into cosplay?
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– News covered by Quincy Quarry News.

Boston Comic Con postponed due to Coronavirus.

The event had been scheduled to be held from March 20 through March 22 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, however, the event organizer has announced that hosting the event at its regularly scheduled date/time is not possible due to force majeure in the wake of the declaration of a state of emergency in Massachusetts given fears about Coronavirus.

In turn, so goes one of the few social outings for Comics geeks to get out of their parents’ basements.

The event organizer is working with the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center to endeavor to reschedule; however, given that the convention center is usually well-booked well in advance, do not hold your breath in the hope of undertaking any cosplay – at least not in as grand a scale as at a Comic Con.

Source: Boston Comic Con Postponed Due To Coronavirus

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