New flash: Boston traffic sucks …

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Seeing red!
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– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

Boston traffic congestion ranked the worst in the United States.

As should come as no great surprise whatsoever to anyone regularly stuck in traffic in the Greater Boston metro area, the transportation experts at INRIX have ranked Boston traffic as the worst .in the United States.

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INRIX researchers found that drivers in the Greater Boston area lost one hundred and forty-nine hours of their lives in 2019 care of the region’s horrific traffic congestion.

While INRIX did find that locally the amount of time stuck in traffic during 2019 dropped from projected average of one hundred and sixty-four hours lost per driver to only one hundred and forty-nine hours lost in 2019, over six days stuck in traffic is still over six days.

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“Q You!”
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And for a further indication of just how bad is traffic congestion in the Metro Boston area, while Boston cracked the top 10 worst list on a worldwide basis, Los Angeles failed to crack into the top twenty-five.

Unfortunately, while INRIX did not rank traffic congestion in small cities located within larger cities, one can only further reasonably assume that Quincy would surely rate among the more congested smaller cites on at least a national basis

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