A dump truck rolled over and spilled gravel inside the O’Neill Tunnel during the Monday morning commute, causing significant traffic delays in Boston.

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Seeing red
A Bloomberg file photo

– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

A dump truck rolls over inside O’Neill Tunnel and so causes a massive traffic mess during the morning commute today.

The MBTA thus enjoyed an unexpected respite from the usual as well as well-deserved umbrage from commuters today when a City of Boston Water and Sewer truck full of gravel overturned inside of the O’Neall Tunnel at roughly 8 AM during the height of the all but invariably ugly Monday morning commute.

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A stock ambulance photo
A picgif.com image

In turn, the Central Artery was so turned into a parking lot stretching all the way from Downtown Boston to at least the Braintree Y for northbound commuters.

That and causing lesser problems for eastbound traffic on the Massachusetts Turnpike.

The driver of the truck was taken to the hospital given non-life threatening injuries and the mess eventually cleared.

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The peril of riding the Red Line
Image via Twitter

In the meanwhile, the MBTA would be well-advised to prepare for problem during the evening commute given only to be expected regression to the means expectations.

After all, we all know that the T happens.

Source: Dump Truck Rolls Over Inside O’Neill Tunnel, Causing Traffic On I-93

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