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Kayfabe, kabuki – whatever
A imageAndrew-Savulich-NY-Daily-News

– News and commentary about elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News.

Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: House impeachment hearings blow past Democratic presidential debate ratings.

That and provide cover for even more rounds of koched-up spendings of taxpayers’ money.

Simply put, the House Intelligence Committee continues to demonstrate that it is arguably misnamed, if not also oxymoronically named.

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WWE Hall of Fame member
A Lucha Libre file photo

Granted, as any fan of the literary work of John le Carré is well aware, governmental espionage is fraught with duplicity; however, the House committee hearings have instead quickly sunk to mostly displays of bad political kabuki by partisan members of the committee, with both committee members and witnesses then both all but continuously as well as all but contemporaneously hammered by the usual Trumpian kayfabe tweet storm.

As for these harsh, if not also atypical sentiments, Quincy Quarry is relying on one of its old hands who physically attended key Senate Watergate hearings, including those of then United States Attorney General John Mitchell and the yellow rat mole John Dean.

Yellow rat mole

A Yellow Rat Mole
Image via Wikipedia

In brief for a change, while this aged Quincy Quarry reporter did not know President Kennedy, this reporter can still say with little fear of any valid challenge that no one on the arguable misnamed House Intelligence Committee could carry Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities Chair Senator Sam Ervin’s water bottle.

At the same time, however, such is not to say that the House committee hearings have not been amusing in an inside baseball sort of way.

In point of fact, the hearings have often been wicked amusing for hearing aficionados.

Next, as for a bullet point summary of last night’s Democratic presidential debate, consider the following pithy tweets.

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Business as usual …
;A Quincy Quarry meme

And as for local events, Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch continues to be pressing forward with his latest machinations to slip it to local taxpayers and so yet again stick them with funding the feathering of the nests of favored special interests at a time when Quincy locals are among the many distracted by events in Washington DC.

How much money?  

Lots of money – and in one case in ways particularly odious even for the Koch Maladministration.

Needless to say, expect exposés to follow in due course exposing these latest rounds of grifting.

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