A look back at American politics from the year 2050.
– News and commentary covered by Quincy Quarry News.
A brief history of a Warren Presidency.
New York Times columnist David Brooks has written a hypothetical review of his expectations of an Elizabeth Warren presidency set in 2050.
Brooks’ assessment is not pretty. Basically, she gets little done.
Even so, Matt Drudge was recently cited by Fox News as saying “(it’s now) Elizabeth Warren’s nomination to lose.”
While Quincy Quarry must note that we are technically not yet officially in the campaign season, Senator Warren has enjoyed a nice pop in the polls and has in turn been working it.
How successfully, however, is open to question.
For example, following Stephen Colbert’s grilling of Warren the other night on his late night show, the Washington Post posed “The question Elizabeth Warren won’t answer.”
The question: how would her plan for Medicare for All really have to be funded.
And as for Quincy Quarry’s question: why do we not have better – or at least more Shakespearean – candidates running?
Not just for the presidency, but for all political offices.
And not just domestically, but around the world.
Source: Opinion | A Brief History of the Warren Presidency
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