Governor James Michael Curley used to complain that it was tiresome work, posing as a reformer. His successor, Charlie Baker, feels the same way about posing — as a Republican.
– News involving Quincy covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added
Massachusetts Republican party’s expensive expense account bills exposéd.
In his own inimitable way, yet again the Boston tabloid’s Howie Carr has laid into fat cat hacks literally pigging out on other people’s money.
This time, Howie’s lampooning has a local angle as it addresses at length how the expensive dining habits were at least tacitly endorsed by a certain former senior state Republican party operative who is currently a City of Quincy ward heeler as well as is now also taking down six figures as a patronage hack hire at the long well-known to be hack hire haven that is the Norfolk County Sheriff’s Office.
In turn, while the good news for Quincy’s long-suffering Ward 5 residents is that Ariel is not running for reelection this coming November, the bad news is that the odds on favorite to succeed her is a recently retired senior capo for La Kocha Nostra.
Source: Howie: Bills keep coming for MassGOP
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