Starbucks has installed needle-disposal boxes in bathrooms in at least 25 markets as the chain attempts to address workers’ safety concerns.
– News and commentary about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.
Starbucks is installing needle-disposal boxes following worker concerns about drug use its bathrooms and OSHA sanctions.
Starbucks stores in at least 25 US markets have installed needle-disposal boxes in bathrooms in recent months. By this summer, the chain aims to have installed needle disposal boxes in its store bathrooms in all regions where such action has been deemed necessary.

Narcan administration, needle disposal call or just a red zone parking coffee drive-by pick-up?
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
At this point, Quincy Quarry can report that Quincy’s Starbucks in Quincy Center does not have a needle-disposal box.
Converesly, the Quarry did not have word at the time of its posting of this story if Starbucks’ Quincy Center location is among those Starbucks locations that have been deemed where needle disposal facilities are needed.
Quincy Quarry can, however, report that drug dealing, injecting drugs and overdosing have long been said to be a problem in and immediately adjacent to the Quincy Center Starbucks location.
Read full coverage at: Starbucks is installing needle-disposal boxes in locations across America following OSHA penalties and worker concerns about drug use in bathrooms
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