Wicked expensive parking garage under construction to replace paid for parking lot.
A Greg Derr/Patriot Ledger image– News about Quincy covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Quincy City Councillors only properly question Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s $61 million municipal debt authorization request reports the South Shore broadsheet.
Then again, what’s $61 million more on top of the hundreds of millions in debt Mayor Koch has variously imposed upon local taxpayers?
After years, if not many years, of being as easy as a high school mattress Mary, the Quincy City Council is finally questioning Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch as regards his latest eight figure ask to increase his City of Quincy charge card limit so that he can then continue to pursue his long-ongoing quixotic as well as expensive quest to see his dreams of a New Quincy Center perhaps actually happen, albeit more than likely at a considerable cost to taxpayers citywide.
That and continue to hand out tens of millions in incentives and fat checks to both favored locally-based developers as well as generous campaign fund contributors. to Mayor Koch’s campaign fund, including illegal straw campaign donations.
At the same time, however, it is only fair to note that the City Council has not formally asked for – much less has Mayor Koch ever proffered – an accounting of his maladministration’s to date spendings of the $121 million – or more correctly closer to $130 million – in Quincy Center towards seeing his pipedream of an actually tax revenue positive net of expenses New Quincy Center.
And as for thoughtful and sound analysis of the myriad of problems with Mayor Koch’s edifice complex, be sure to review the pithy comments posted to the broadsheet’s coverage by a well-known and ever-increasingly well-regarded local and so-called gadfly.
Source: Quincy city councilors question $61 million bond request
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