| quincy news

Are Quincy streets now on a no-salt diet?
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive photo

– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News. 

Quincy to be hit with sizeable snowfall tonight and into tomorrow but brine is nowhere to be seen.

Quincy Quarry personnel out patrolling the ever increasing mean and soon to be snow-covered streets of the Q found no obvious signs of brine or any other sorts of indications of pre-storm preparedness undertaken by the City of Quincy on local streets.

| quincy news

Not spreading brine this time?
A procarelandscape.com file photo

After previously as well as thoroughly brining many local streets given concerns as minor as little more than a heavy frost, one can only wonder why city officials took a pass on preparing for tonight’s storm.

Needless to say, Quincy Quarry has already scheduled sending out its Sled Dog News Sled tomorrow as early as possible so as to monitor how well the City of Quincy deals with its first moderately significant snowfall this winter season.

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The Quincy Quarry Sled Dogs News Sled out sledding to cover the news
An Endurance Kennels image


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