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Happy endings for Jets fans?
A Selfie image

– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: The Other Patriots Way?

It has been a rough few days for New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft after he was slapped with an arrest warrant over a couple of happy endings which eventually led to unhappy outcomes for him.

That and most likely even more unhappiness yet to come.

| quincy news

Taking care of the worm!
Image via www.mafamily.org

Apparently, Kraft was suffering from pre-game jitters the morning of last month’s AFC Championship game as well as who only knows what the day before. 

Also unknown is if Kraft got a senior discount or enjoyed an Early Bird Special price on his early on game day pregame rub and tug. 

In any event, haters have been hating on the Patriots big time and gag lines are rife both on late night talk shows as well as in sport bars, albeit mostly those outside of New England.

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Crap, craps – whatever …
A watchdog.org image

And as for regional news, Quincy Quarry continues to be about the only area media to exposé that the Massachusetts Gambling Commission looks to be blowing it for jobs by focusing on now-former head of Wynn Resorts Steve Wynn’s #MeToo problems instead on well-known and problematic shady practices at Wynn Resorts’ two casinos in Macao. 

Apparently, the gambling commission believes what happens in Macao will stay in Macao.

That and also believes in the Tooth Fairy.

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Bon chance …
Quincy Quarry Clip Art Phun Photo

And locally, Quincy Quarry exposéd how the pension fund for most City of Quincy employees is arguably at least as bad off as is the long known to be problematic MBTA employees’ pension fund

But not to worry for city employees as local taxpayers are on the hook to cover the nut on the city pension fund’s massive funding shortfall and less than compelling investment returns. 

Also locally, while it is widely as well as consistently rumored among locals in the know who is the alleged sucker puncher who killed someone in Squantum last month, a fifth week is winding down without the arrest of the perp.

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No Arrest, No Justice
Image via Flickr

At this point, Quincy Quarry would like to hope that the reason for the delay is because the Norfolk District Attorney’s office is transferring the case to another district attorney’s office given understandable recusal sorts of reasons rather than a possible case of shameless omerta by all of the possible witnesses.

In the meanwhile, Quincy Quarry can only repeat its ongoing refrain: No Arrest, No Justice.

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