A Chinese textile worker working
Agence France-Presse/Getty Images image

– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.


China’s economy, by the numbers, is worse than it looks.


While new figures suggest that the economic outlook for China may be improving after recent concerns, its economic growth still appears to have slowed more than the data figure suggests.


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Moreover, as China is a command economy and its government’s lack of transparency as regards disclosing comprehensive financial data is even more darker than those of the City of Quincy during the still ongoing reign of the Koch Maladministration, what is actually going on in within the Chinese economy requires more than just a bit of tea leaves reading to decipher.


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Also keep in mind that given a still relatively rapidly growing population, China needs to maintain an economic growth rate in the high single digit percent range just to maintain steady personal income rates, ceteris paribus, before also making any possibly necessary adjustments for inflation. 


For example, a 6% growth rate in Gross Domestic Product in China works out to be around at best a flat economy as far as the average working stiff is concerned.


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And in turn, if China’s economy cools off, such only adds to other concerns about the health of other countries’ national economies.


Granted, China may just be experiencing a hiccup of a sort; however, many of the world’s economies have also been showing signs of cooling after enjoying one of the longest runs of economic growth in over a century.

Source and more: China’s Economy, by the Numbers, Is Worse Than It Looks

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