– News and commentary covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Looking at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and seeing Sarah Palin.
In a well-reasoned and actually factually-based critique of rookie Representative Ocasio-Cortez’s fuzzy math behind her campaign platform as well as other problems with various of her on the record statements, a senior female opinion writer at the Boston Globe has not unreasonably cast progressive Democrat Ocaisio-Cortez as the other side of the coin to the Republican embarrassment that is former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.
Then again, so have other media commentators.
In short, so much for playing the double standard card or foisting a snarky mansplain diss of this female Globe writer’s well-reasoned observations by Ocaisio-Cortez and her many legions of social media followers, not that such will likely stop them from trying even if a number of them still opt for trolling fair comments.
At the end of the day, Quincy Quarry blames abusers of social media.
A font of counter factual alternative facts. That and a fashion victim.
An Alex Wong/Getty Images imageAll too often, a factually-challenged post goes viral as accepted as fact or facts are vilified as factually-challenged – and sometimes both at the same time.
Even so, Representative Ocaisio-Cortez is entitled to continue to champion her campaign platform.
The problem now, however, is that actually legislating same into actual policy and practices is difficult under the best of circumstances, much less by a rookie member of the US House of Representative with no seniority to work and mostly instead but likely to prove fickle and probably short-lived media favor.
Plus, old age and treachery has a tendency to overcome youth and enthusiasm.
That and how perhaps the clock has already started on her Warholian fifteen minutes of fame.
Source: Looking at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and seeing Sarah Palin – The Boston Globe
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