In his grasp?
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Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s final report may be on the horizon after a tumultuous year.


After a year filled with all manner of revelations from as well as securing a number of successful convictions by prosecutors in the office of special counsel Robert Mueller, his investigation appears to be nearing a conclusion, opines long time. heavy-hitting, and well-regarded investigative reporter Michael Isikoff.


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“Individual 1”
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While Mr. Isikoff only properly as well as responsibly notes that at this point no one can say how far things may go up the food chain as Mueller’s team makes the CIA look like water cooler gossips at work, Isikoff does lay out a solid argument that it appears that Mueller is close to wrapping things up, if not also wrapping up a few more perps.


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Source: Mueller report may be on the horizon after tumultuous year, with potentially huge consequences for the president 

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