– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.

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Staging area
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

Quincy newly paved street late night tear-up.

As reported previously by Quincy Quarry, a newly resurfaced street in Quincy Center which had long been overdue for repaving was inexplicably then torn-up by construction workers. 

As it turns out, the new pavement looks to have been planned to be dug up later so as to accommodate underground utility line replacement work in inexplicable reverse order.

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Laying pipes
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive photo

Apparently, the City of Quincy project manager(s) in charge of these two projects was (were) unable to stage the road repaving after completing the underground utility work per standard operating procedures.

Moreover, the utility replacement is said to have taken a bad turn when a sewer line was errantly breached by workers and probably so added to the amount of new pavement excavated.

In turn, workers then worked until past midnight under portable floodlights on a recent Sunday night to effect needed repairs.

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“Spanky, spank me” – whatever …
City of Quincy employee mugshot

While the most immediate abutters to the worksite are a neighborhood playground, a funeral parlor and its parking lot and thus not bothered by the lights and noise, the next ring of late light construction-impacted abutters included the residence of former City of Quincy Ward 2 City Councillor and later now-retired Department of Public Works Commissioner Dan “Spanky” Raymondi.

Then again, surely Spanky understood the need to disrupt his sleep.

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