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Cats fighting!
A Fiickriver image

– News and commentary from Quincy Quarry News. 

Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: a near cat fight at a Quincy City Council meeting!
Just when Quincy Quarry’s City Hall beat reporter had thought he had seen it all, he ended up surprised by something new.


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Surf’s up!
An image c/o The Walt Disney Company

The something new: at Monday night’s City Council meeting, the something new was that “Ariel” – Ward 5’s bantam weight tool on a stool for the Koch Maladministration – called out the rookie first term at Large City Councillor.

The resultant near cat fight was over the rookie councillor having apparently been seen as having the temerity to dare to ask the Koch Maladministration’s designated flack catcher and bon vivant Pinocchio Walkbacker a question.

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Bon vivant Pinocchio Walkbacker
An ill-advised Facebook posting

The question: who is Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch planning behind closed doors to hack hire into his latest ask of the city council to approve yet another senior and well-paid sinecure within his yet again foundering maladministration.
So what for fact that while Mayor Koch can name whomever he wants to the proposed new patronage hack hire position, as he must first secure the City Council’s approval for this new hack hire slot.

As such, any and all germane questions by any council member are fair game.

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“I’m in the money!”
A danieldervartanian.com image

For example, why is a commissioner level position now needed which pays roughly forty percent more than was budgeted for the head of this city unit for the current Fiscal Year and which is also almost 25% more than is currently paid to the Commissioner of the far larger Public Works Department?
Actually, the reasons are rather simple. 

That and obvious.

Wicked obvious.

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Taking care of friends and family …
A thepeoplesvoice.org image

One is to reward the planned behind closed doors hack hire with a well-paying grift.
And the other: to set the stage for nice salary pops for the DPW Commissioner as well as certain other senior Koch Maladministration slackers in the upcoming 2020 Fiscal Year.
After all, one must take care of his subservient lieges even if many of them couldn’t make anywhere near as much money in the dreaded private sector.

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Campaign finance, cash preferred …
A wemu.org image

That and so better able to cover their annual as well as sizeable “free will” tithe contributions to Mayor Koch’s campaign fund.
Then again, the more pressing problem as far as locals should be concerned is that underlying department in this latest grift is hopelessly koched up given that its previous at least four commissioners were less than aces at the job.

Way less than aces.  

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Quelle surprise: DPW also mows and blows …
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

How koched up is the Park and Forestry Department?

So much so that the Department of Public Works has had to help it mow local municipal lawns and clean up city greenspaces.
Yet again: Only in the Q© during the inept reign of the Koch Maladministration does Quincy Quarry have the stones to point out the obvious.
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