Alledged Annapolis shooter Jarrod Ramos
Image via Turtleboy Sports

– Commentary about news reporting covered by Quincy Quarry News.


Annapolis killings explain why some media practice anonymous pamphleteering.


Quincy Quarry has long operated under the ethos of anonymous pamphleteering and which is arguably at least one of the antecedents of modern news reporting.


Needless to say, no-holds barred news coverage makes its deserving targets angry and – on occasion – violent as tragically happened this week in Annapolis Maryland.


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A Turtleboy Sports image

For an editorial piece by a regional muckraking media on the subject of anonymity, see what Turtleboy Sports has to say


A warning: while for a change Turtleboy reins in its usual use of “colorful” language, its citing of threats sent its way is uncensored.

Source: Jarrod Ramos Shooting Up Non-Anonymous Reporters Is The Reason We Stay Anonymous, Here’s A Collection Of Insane Death Threats We’ve Gotten In The Last Year

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