– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Mueller poised to zero in on Trump-Russia collusion allegations.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is preparing to accelerate his probe into possible collusion between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russians who sought to interfere in the 2016 election, according to a person familiar with the investigation.
Mueller and his team of prosecutors and investigators have an eye toward producing conclusions – and possible indictments – related to collusion by fall, said the person, who asked not to be identified.
In turn, Mueller will then be able to turn his full attention to the issue as he resolves other questions, including deciding if President Trump sought to obstruct justice.
Mueller’s office declined to comment on his plans.
What is particularly of interest in this Bloomberg News report is its listing of Mueller’s prime targets, noting why they are targets and providing numerous links to related coverage.
Source: Mueller Poised to Zero In on Trump-Russia Collusion Allegations
Actually, they are naming those who are being subpoenaed by a grand jury. One is a former house painter of a Trump aide. If there was something to be found, they wouldn’t need the house painter and we would have seen indictments long ago. Mueller’s got nothing and should be worried about his own legal issues.
Trust me: Mueller has got at least Manafort cold for all sort of stuff.
For but starters, a bank he uses was “encouraged” well over a year ago to take a mid-seven figure hit by dumping him as a client and so itself avoid possible FCPA and similar sorts of sanctions.
That and judges don’t revoke bail over bupkus.
Granted, things may not tic and tac all the way to Trump, but Manafort looks to be changing his bespoke suits for orange coveralls.