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He’s my guy on voting fraud!
A Drew Angerer/Getty Images image

The case for allegations of massive voter fraud was tested in court and found lacking.


United States Federal District Court Judge Julie Robinson, a judicial appointee of George W. Bush, on Tuesday overturned a 2013 Kansas voter registration law which Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach had opted to personally argue the case in court on behalf of the State of Kansas.


Judge Robinson’s written opinion pointedly noted that Secretary of State Kobach insisted that the but meager instances of alleged voter fraud which were presented during the trial are just “the tip of the iceberg.”


Voting in Kansas in 2014
A Julie Denesha/Getty Images image

“This trial was his opportunity to produce credible evidence of that iceberg, but he failed to do so.”


In dismissing the testimony by Kobach’s witnesses as unpersuasive, Judge Robinson further noted what she found was “the more obvious conclusion that there is no iceberg; only an icicle largely created by confusion and administrative error.”


Judge Robinson further found Secretary of State Kobach in contempt for his “willful failure” to obey a judicial ruling.


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Another no nonsense judge
A Big Ticket Entertainment image

Additionally, Kobach’s frequently woeful courtroom performance was seen as so flawed by Judge Robinson that she also ordered that he undertake six hours of legal education on the rules of civil procedure and/or the rules of evidence as well as present the court with a certificate of completion for same.


Secretary of State Kobach has degrees from Harvard University, Yale Law School and the University of Oxford.

Source: How the Case for Voter Fraud Was Tested — and Utterly Failed — ProPublica

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