– News from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Western Massachusetts projects, developments and casinos that died on the vine.
With the plans for A New Quincy Center perhaps looking to face considerable change as well as sizeable downsizing from what was originally touted by the Koch Maladministration, Quincy Quarry’s media brethren at MassLive.com have published an arguably eerie parallel for Quincy residents to consider as regards Springfield’s also decades’ long efforts to unsuccessful efforts to revive its also long moribund city center.
Granted, Springfield is looking forward to this summer’s opening of an MGM Casino in its city center.
At the same time, given competition care of new casinos and resultant generally flat takings at existing casinos, is the bloom perhaps fading on the casino boom?
Plus, it is also only fair to note that a casino does not produce actual products for sale and instead just take its customers’ money at its gambling tables. For example, Springfield has long been home to manufacturer American Outdoor Brands Corporation, formerly long better known as Smith and Wesson, and for which business has long been – well – booming.
Further problematic, MGM Casinos is now being talked up as a possible buyer of Wynn Resorts’ Everett Casino given Wynn’s recent #metoo and other problems it is facing with the Massachusetts Gaming Commission.
Such would – in turn – presents a variety of problems for Springfield as any such purchase by MGM would require it to either sell off its Springfield casino as state law only allows one casino license per company or secure an amendment to current state laws governing casino licenses.
In other words, external events all too often undermine internal plans.
After all, all manner of external events have certainly undermined the original plans for A New Quincy Center into something much less thoughtfully integrated and thus but a smaller mishmash pastiche of this and that.
In other words, a donkey designed by a committee of two-legged donkeys.
Even worse, pressing ahead regardless of the viability of the current and so far all but secretively developed cocktail napkin of plan for a New Quincy Center could well turn out to be a drain on the City Budget in coming years.
Specifically, a potentially considerable financial burden could well arise from the massive as well as all-inclusive municipal debt service incurred to upgrade infrastructure in Quincy Center along with the increased cost of local municipal services needed to service the still-pending new development in the center.
In other words, not only are local taxpayers looking likely to have to variously subsidize private developers’ projects in Quincy Center over the next generation as opposed to providing long promised property tax relief for existing local property owners, local residents will also likely not be enjoying the long-promised vibrant New Quincy Center.
Source: Western Massachusetts projects, developments and casinos that died on the vine
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