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Cheap used replacement (left); Ornate original design (right)
Conjoined Quincy Quarry News photos

– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.

Quincy Center Tree and Traffic Light Double Whacking – Part 3.

While the also whacked tree has yet to be replaced, the whacked pedestrian traffic light was replaced in a surprisingly rapid fashion.

On the other hand, the replacement is a cobbled-together used pole of a simple design as well as apparently other also used parts rather than a replacement of the newer original pole’s ornate cast iron design.

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Site of whacked pedestrian traffic light
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Its replacement was also facilitated by the City of Quincy’s reliance on an outside vendor to effect the installation.

This step strikes Quincy Quarry as a bit odd.

After all, the Koch Maladministration opted to establish a new department – Traffic, Parking, Alarm and Light (“TPAL”) – two years ago with the loudly and often trumped promise to improve the city’s management of its traffic, parking, alarm, and streetlight needs.

This new department included the hiring of a new Commissioner who enjoys a six-figure salary as well as the hiring of less well-paid support personnel.

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Outside traffic light repair outside vendor
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive photo

Needless, to say, one cannot help but wonder why the expense of establishing a new department was needed as not only have at least traffic and parking only worsened since the Department of Traffic, Parking, Alarm and Light was established, this department is now apparently relying on vendors to do at least some of its work.

After all, why pay over $103,000.00 to a new Commissioner as well as tens of thousands more to hire additional new staff when everything from pedestrian repair work such as this up to a seven-figure citywide traffic study ends up farmed out to outside vendors?

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