– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy Street Light Pole still down and out after March 1-3 2018 Nor’easter.
Almost two months after the first March nor’easter earlier this year laid waste to some parts of Quincy, a wooden street light pole knocked down by the storm is still lying in the gutter along Washington Street in Quincy Point and so posing an ongoing public safety hazard.
Also, while a wooden pole, as near as Quincy Quarry News personnel on the scene could tell, this downed pole was strictly used as a street light pole at the time of its destruction during the storm and thus – for a change – National Grid cannot be blamed as the City of Quincy now owns essentially all streetlights in the Q.
Needless to say, count on Quincy Quarry News to count the days until this long ongoing safety hazard might finally be removed.
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