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Massachusetts judge the latest hack caught with his pants down – literally.
Judge Thomas Estes is the poster boy for the Massachusetts judiciary. At least so says Boston Herald columnist Howie Carr.
Howie has shone a spotlight on the absolute tawdriness that is the Massachusetts judiciary.
Judge Estes has admitted to both engaging in a third-rate romance, low-rent rendezvous with a court underling as well as often conducting his assignations in his courthouse chambers.
Now Judge Estes is fighting the removal of his tukas from the bench.
Estes conducted his one-sided affair in all the romantic hot spots of the Western world – Belchertown, Westfield, Marlboro.
Now, reassigned to “administrative duties” in Holyoke, he claims he’s filled with “great shame and remorse.”
But he refuses to quit, for one very simple reason.
If his snout is ever forcibly ejected from the public trough, Estes will in short order starve to death as he is a hack’s hack …
Read all about it: Carr: Judge latest hack caught with his pants down
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