– News from elsewhere covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

US Curling Team member gets teary-eyed
A Natacha Pisarenko/AP image

The Simpsons predicted the United States’ curling Olympic Gold Medal win!

In easily the biggest surprise so far at the 2018 Olympics, the United States won its first ever gold medal in curling, defeating Sweden in the finals in the wake of upsetting curling powerhouse Canada in the semi-finals.

The long-running Fox sitcom has a history of accurately predicting various events – ranging from Disney buying Fox to calling Donald Trump’s presidency – and this year’s Olympic winter games in Pyeongchang are no exception.

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Can’t get enough of Duff!
A Fox Television image

For those unfamiliar with curling, it is clearly one of the various sports with a likely genesis which included a desire for an arguable rationale to drink beer.

And for another example of such a sport, consider bowling.

Similarly, as baseball is for drinking beer by fans while watching a game played.

Then again, hand/eye coordination is essential for curling, beer drinking and most other sporting activities.

Plus, on top of a buzz, this year’s latest United States miracle on ice took away the bad taste facing curling during this winter’s Olympic games.

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Does she know what doping will do to his “performance”?
A Getty Images image

Earlier this week, a Russian husband and wife coed curling team ending up finding themselves striped of their bronze medal for his apparently engaging in sports doping in what appears to be the first ever sports doping scandal to hit international competitive curling.

Fortunately, the American curling team overcame all odds and so helped rescue the game of curling via their surprise and so feel good story gold medal winning performance on ice.

That and also provide the International Olympic Committee some cover after multiple wardrobe malfunctions (including a nip slip) during 2018 Olympics figure skating events.

Source: The Simpsons predicted the United States would win the curling gold medal

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