– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy Police Details taking Summer Vacations?
In recent days, Quincy Quarry news personnel out prowling the ever increasingly mean as well as dangerous streets of Quincy have happened upon the apparent appearance of a disturbing new trend: construction work conducted without a police detail on site.
The first instance entailed Quarry personnel happening upon the staging of snorkel truck on McGrath highway at a construction site at the busy intersection of McGrath and Washington Street.
Granted, perhaps a police detail arrived later and so monitored actual construction work; however, no signs of a police detail were seen while Quincy Quarry was on the scene.
An even more troubling lack of a police detail was found a day later by Quincy Quarry News personnel.
On top of the obvious safety concerns at this second no police detail in sight and work in progress construction site, this work site was within yards of a particular gruesome pedestrian fatality that occurred in front of a handful of grammar school children who were waiting for their school bus one morning.
Utility company personnel as well as those of a utility company subcontractor were photographed working in the middle of Washington Street during the weekday morning commute and so sorely inhibiting the flow of traffic for commuters.
Perhaps a police detail eventually appeared at this work site, but Quarry personnel never saw one as well as that it clearly appeared that this project had been underway for awhile as well as was nearing completion.
Quincy Quarry considered reaching out to city officials for comment; however, the Quarry suspects that none of them want to discuss anything involving police details at this time as well as quite likely for a long time yet to come.
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